Poems in Recent Journals & Anthologies
“Lessons,” “Sandieguito River,” Pirene’s Fountain 7 (2014) p 101-102
“Carpe Diem,” “Migration,” Vermillion Literary Project Magazine: Still Here, University of South Dakota Literary Magazine (2014)
“Ribbonwood,” riverbabble: Bloomsbury Issue: Secrets & Lies 25 (Summer 2014)
“Singing Lessons,” Atlanta Review (Spring 2014) print
“Naiad,” “Shelter,” “Turning,” The Rotary Dial 14 (April 2014) p 11-13
“Perceptions,” The Rotary Dial 12 (Feb 2014) p 6
“Qalb Qasida – Saffron, Tribhanga Qasida ~ Odissi Dance,: MahMag World Literature (16 Jan 2014)
“Ice Climbing,” Atavic Poetry (1 Jan 2014)
“Shooting Stars,” Atavic Poetry (20 Dec 2013)
“Horses’ Hooves” and “Xi Shi,” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal: Ancient Asia Issue (China) 22 (Dec 2013)
“Hurricane,” The Ledge 35 (2013): 73.
“Be the Mirror of Life in the Eyes of the Dove, Prayer To Aphrodite, Retraction, Ti Bon Ange,” Levure Litteraire (France) 8 (Nov 2013)
“Anza Borrego,” “Self-reliance,” Elohi Gadugi Journal (Fall 2013) <egjournal.org>.
“Gold,” “Strawberries,” “Golden Woman of the Shining Lake,” “Redwood Wave,” The Poetry Storehouse: great contemporary poems for creative remix (3 Nov 2013)
“The Appeal of Emptiness,” Ballard Street Poetry Journal (2013): 10, Pushcart Nomination
“September Roses,” “Prey,” Rose Red Review 6 (Autumn 2013) <roseredreview.org>.
“Miter,” Angle 4 (Autumn 2013): 64
“Mendelssohn,” Potomac Review 53 (Fall 2013): 3, print, 1st Place Poetry Award
“Castalia,” “Mermaid Dress,” Free State Review 2(Summer 2013).
“Hinges,” Free Inquiry Magazine 33.3 (Apr/May 2013): 61
“Marguerite at Midnight” The Nervous Breakdown (Winter 2013)
“Photograph,” Stone Voices 7 (Spring 2013): 41
“Aubade,” Cancer Poetry Project II (Tasora Books, 2013): 79
“Exchange,” Extract(s) Anthology 1 (Eastern Point Lit House & Press, 2013): 16
“Miranda,” International Poetry Prize 2012 Anthology (Little Red Tree, 2013): 97
“Santa Maria de los Peñasquitos,” San Diego Poetry Annual (Garden Oak Press, 2013): 11.
“Lighting the Lamps,” Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction 18.4 (Dec 2012): 33
“Loom,” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal: 5th Anniversary Issue (China) 19 (Nov 2012)
“Tehachapi,” About Place Journal: Literary Journal of the Black Earth Institute: Peaks & Valleys 1.3 (Nov 2012)
“California,” Untitled Country Review: California Issue 8 (Fall/Winter 2012)
“Autumn,” Stone Voices 5 (Fall 2012):104
“Columbina,” Switched-on-Gutenberg: Corpus: the Body and Its Boundaries 18 (Fall 2012)
“Dear Magdalene,” Poemeleon: A Journal of Poetry: Epistolary Issue 6.1 (Fall 2012)
“Ghazal of the Saki,” “Ghazal of the SevenValleys,” “Imperfect Beauty Qasida,” Knot Magazine (Fall 2012)
“Oz in the Jungle,” “To Have and Have Not,” Now Culture: Poetry at the Movies (Fall 2012)
“Voyage de Noce,” Möbius, The Poetry Magazine 30 (Fall 2012): 60
“Los Gatos,” BorderSenses 18 (Fall 2012)
“Monte Cinto” Oberon Poetry Magazine 10 (2012): 16, Honorable Mention in Oberon Poetry Prize
“A Bridge of Magpies,” “Next Morning Letter,” Quarterly Literary Review Singapore 11.3 (July 2012)
“Sorceress” Common Ground Review 13.2 (Spring/Summer 2012): 3rd Place Poetry Prize
“Remembrance,” Flutter Poetry Journal (June 2012)
“Romance,” “Sailing Stones,” “Six Thousand Steps,” “Songe,” Escape Into Life, 30 May 2012
“Magic,” String Poet Journal 5 (Spring 2012)
“Grace,” Broad River Review 11 (Spring 2012): 73
“Listening,” Open Road Review (India) 1 (Spring 2012)
“Routing,” Prism Review 14 (Spring 2012): 23, Honorable Mention in the Prism Review Poetry Prize
“Yungas Valley,” Anthropology and Humanism Journal 37.1 (Spring 2012): 113, 3rd Place Ethnographic Poetry Competition
“Exchange,” Extract(s) (17 April 2012)
“Mousetrap,” Swale Life (UK) 9 (April 2012) 3rd Prize Winner, Swale Life International Poetry Competition
“Restoration,” Old Red Kimono: Apocalypse Issue 41 (Spring 2012): 1, 1st Place LaNelle Daniel Prize in Poetry
“Climbing San Jacinto,” “Desert Wind,” Ocotillo Wells: February,” Inlandia: A Literary Journal 1.4 (Fall/Winter 2012)
“All Souls At Dawn” Umbrella Journals: Carmine Street Metrics Special Feature 5.1 (Winter Spring 2011-2012)
“Ortolanus,” Cyclamens and Swords (Israel) (Winter 2012) Highly Commended.
“Cabrillo,” SOL: English Writing In Mexico Anthology, Vol. I (Mexico) (Sol: English Writing In Mexico, 2012): 100
“Himitsu Bako,” New Sun Rising: Stories for Japan (Raging Aardvark Publishing, Australia, 2012)
“Invitation” Inspired by Tagore (sampad South Asian Arts / British Council, India, 2012): 383, Inspired by Tagore Publication Prize
“Luna,” PoetryPort Journal 1 (2012): 11
“Cathedral,” “Crucible,” String Poet Journal 2 (Winter 2011)
“Everything is Indestructible, “Excel for Charity (UK) (Dec 2011) 2nd Place Stepping Stones Nigeria Poetry Competition
“La Belle,” “Rutter’s Requiem,” The Linnet’s Wing (Ireland) 5.4 (Winter 2011): 8, 29
“Golden Woman of the Shining Lake,” Taj Mahal Review (India) 10.2 (Dec 2011): 173
“Parchment,” Studio Journal 5.1 (Winter 2011)
“Strawberries,” Atlanta Review (Fall 2011)
“Silk Road,” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal: Anniversary Issue (China) 15 (Nov 2011)
“Rosarian,” Rose and Thorn 13.4 (Fall 2011)
“Siracusa,” “Villaggio Sensa Nóme,” Descant 154: Sicily (Canada), Guest Editors Venera Fazio and Michelle Alfano 42.4 (Winter 2011): 43-46
“Sovereignty,” Booth: A Journal (28 Oct 2011)
Featured Poet: ““Quatorze Juillet”, “Sumeria”, “Sandhi”, “Manzanita”, “Revision”, “Flow”, “Five Years” and “On Possibilities” THIS Literary Magazine 12 (Sept/Oct 2011) with artist statement and interview
“Prime,” “Gathering Flowers,” “Physick,” “Lectio,” “Waking Dream,” The Tower Journal (Fall 2011)
“Periplus,” Horizon (UK) 6 (Summer 2011)
“Unsheltered,” In Our Own Words: Burning Bush Poetry Journal (Fall 2011)
“Dawn,” Up the Staircase Quarterly: All Poetry Issue 14 (Aug 2011)
“Cabrillo,” SOL: English Writing in Mexico (Mexico) 4 (July 2011)
“Forever Lasting Love,” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal: The China Issue (China) 14 (July 2011)
“Redwood Wave,” Birmingham Arts Journal 8.2 (Summer 2011): 26, 1st Place 2010 National Hackney Literary Award in Poetry
“Deirdre,” “Green Tara,” “Miranda,” Istanbul Literary Review (Turkey) 20 (May 2011)
“Sight,” “Visionary,” “Weather,” String Poet 1 (May 2011)
“Bel,” “Chincoteague,” Gacela of the Heron’s Dream,” “Relics,” “Seascape,” “St. Thomas,” Sea Stories Vernal Issue (Apr 2011)
“Fragaria,” “Pomegranates,” “Pursuit,” “Solstice,” The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature (Apr 2011)
“Because It Is Bitter, and Because It Is My Heart,” Stymie: A Journal of Sport & Literature: The Baseball Issue 4.1 (Spring/Summer 2011): 55
“Constructing Beauty,” “Exile,” “Gold,” Poetry Salzburg Review (Spring 2011)
“Gris-Gris,” Words & Images (Spring 2011) Finalist for University of Southern Maine Betsy Sholl Award
“Opera,” “Prosody,” Crucible (Spring 2011) Editors’ Poetry Prize First Place
“Past Solstice” Old Red Kimono 40th Anniversary Issue (Spring 2011): 41
“Tropes,” James Dickey Review (Spring/Summer 2011)
“Mendocino,” The Stray Branch 7 (Mar 2011)
“One Must Have Resonance,” Maintenant: A Contemporary Dada Poetry Journal 5 (Mar 2011)
“Rien de Rien,” Blue Five Notebook: Poetry Special 11.5 (Mar 2011)
“Dance,” “Gacela of the Departure,” “Gacela of the Wren,” Blood & Honey Review (Bosnia Herzegovina) 1 (Winter/March 2011)
“Vision,” Verse Wisconsin: Poems About Wisconsin Protests (18 Feb 2011)
“Nightbird,” Whale Sounds (Jan 2011), read by Nic Sebastian
“Adornments,” “On Learning How to Read,” “The Structure of Desire,” International Poetry Prize Anthology 2010 (Little Red Tree Publishing, 2011): 17-19
“Fourmicide,” 2011 Texas Poetry Calendar (Dos Gatos Press, 2011): May 1-7
“Gacela of the Heron’s Dream,” Язык птиц Антология (The Language of the Birds Anthology) (Uzbekistan) (2011) Editor, Azam Obidov
“Heron’s Dream,” A Bird in the Hand: Risk and Flight Anthology (Outrider Press/TallGrass Writers Guild 2011)
“Lark Mirror,” Sentinel Literature Festival Annual Anthology (Sentinel Poetry Movement, UK, 2011): 114
“Pleiades,” West Coast Poetry Anthology (Breadline Press, 2011): 125
“Somnambulist,” Bloodroot Literary Magazine (Dec 2010): 16
“Talavera,” Aesthetica Creative Works Annual 2011 (Dec 2010) Finalist in the 2010 Competition
“December Evening,” New Verse News (9 Dec 2010)
“Pilgrimage,” Big Other Online Forum: Wallace Stevens Week (18 Nov 2010), Ed. Greg Gerke
“All Souls, At Dawn,” “Spinning,” Kestrel: A Journal of Literature and Art / Fairmont State University 23 (Fall 2010): 83-4
“After the Thunderstorm (Toulumne Creek)” Mad Poets Review 23 (2010): 114
“An Unread Omen,” “In Mem,” Verse Wisconsin 104 (Fall 2010)
“Chanticleer,” Thema: Music and Math 22.3 (Fall 2010): 78
“Fritillary,” Literal Latté (Fall 2010)
“Hommage à Bonnefoy,” carte blanche 12 (Fall 2010)
“L’Hirondelle,” Damazine (Fall 2010)
“Another Look,” Comment / Cardus Magazine (Sept 2010): 1, First Place in Comment Poetry Contest
“Autumn,” “Renewal,” Innisfree Poetry Journal 11 (Sept 2010)
“Carmina Burana,” “Five Years,” “Nightbird,” Soundzine 11 (Sept 2010)
“Duration,” “Lightning,” “Mobile,” Voices on the Gulf (Sept 2010)
“Letter to Susan,” Now Culture: Correspondences 6 (Sept 2010) with ars poetica
“Rainbow Bridge,” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal 12 (Sept 2010)
“Tracking the Hurricane,” New Verse News (3 Sept 2010)
“Aubade,” Prairie Fire Magazine 31.2 (Summer 2010): 58, Banff Centre Bliss Carman Poetry Award Honorable Mention
“Nature Morte,” “The Green Cloth,” “Victimae Paschali Laudes,” Interrobang?! Magazine 3 (Summer 2010)
“Pilgrimage,” CutBank 72/73 (Summer 2010): 124, Winner of the Patricia Goedicke Prize in Poetry
“Resurrection Fern,” Permafrost: A Literary Journal 32 (Summer 2010): 120-121, Chosen from Midnight Sun Poetry Chapbook Contest finalist manuscript
“Duration,” “Lightning,” “Mobile” with Poet’s Statement, Poets for Living Waters (23 Aug 2010)
“Gacela of the Shikra,” “Ghazal of the Evening Moth,” “The Fourth Water,” “Wind,” “XXII” from Chaplet for Our Lady, Kritya Journal of Poetry (July 2010)
“How Swiftly All Things Fall Apart,” New Verse News (22 June 2010)
“Listening to an Old Poet,” protestpoems.org: Writing for Human Rights (5 June 2010)
“Amethyst,” “Beaulieu,” “Hortense,” “On Likelihood,” “Williams Was Right,” Istanbul Literary Review 17 (May 2010)
“Bristlecone,” Manzanita: Poetry and Prose of the Mother Lode and Sierra: Wild Edges 6 (Spring 2010): 91
“Dawn,” Think Journal 3.1 (Spring 2010): 16
“Effictio,” Ellipsis…Literature & Art (Spring 2010): 106
“Meaning,” Harp-Strings (Spring 2010): 10
“Pearl,” Poesia: The Farewell Issue 8.1 (Spring 2010): 58
“Picture and Text,” The Wallace Stevens Journal: Special Issue: Wallace Stevens and Henry James 34.1 (Spring 2010): 104
“Waltz,” Tipton Poetry Journal 17 (Spring 2010): 11
“Chaplet of Our Lady XX,” Utmost Christian Writers (Apr 2010)
“Feu de la St. Jean,” The French Literary Review 13 (Apr 2010): 13
“Chincoteague,” Reach Poetry Magazine 138 (Mar 2010): 28
“Escape,” Verse Wisconsin 101 (Winter 2010)
“Five Years,” Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine Anthology (University of Warwick, UK, 2010): 69, Commendation for Open International Entries
“Kiste,” “Gacela of the Rockdove” 2010 International Peace Poetry Anthology (Lindberg Peace Foundation, Israel, 2010) Poetry for Peace First Prize Winner
“Landscape,” “Renewal,” “Storm,” “Wrenhouse,” Ellen LaForge Poetry Prize Annual (UMB William Joiner Center, Summer 2010): 31-36, Runner-Up, 2010 Ellen LaForge Poetry Prize
“Ribbon Dance,” Ragged Raven Anthology: The World Is Made of Glass 12 (Ragged Raven Press, UK, 2010): 56
“Tides,” Voices Israel Anthology (The Voices Israel Group of Poets in English, Israel, 2010)
“Solstice,” Lucid Rhythms 3.3 (Dec 2009)
“Mystery,” Anemone Sidecar 5 (Winter 2009): 29
“Wiser Discourse,” Soundzine 9 (Nov 2009)
“June,” Sixty-Six: The Journal of Sonnet Studies 2.2 (Nov 2009): 22
“Against Horace,” “Jewelweed,” Snakeskin 158 (Oct 2009)
“Sleeping Circles,” Blue Print Review 22 (Oct 2009)
“Chaos,” Rhythm Poetry Magazine 3.1 (Fall/Winter 2009)
“CliffsNotes on The Origin of the Species,” “Möbius,” Umbrella: A Journal of Poetry and Kindred Prose 12 (Fall 2009)
“On Modern Sonnets,” “The Wife’s Response,” The Lyric (Fall 2009): 134
“Krenov,” New Verse News (18 Sept 2009)
“Catalog,” Unsplendid 2.3 (Aug 2009)
“Death and Buddhism,” Lucid Rhythms 3.2 (Aug 2009)
“Curriculum,” Comment / Cardus Magazine (Sept 2009): 55
“Love of Form,” The Chimaera 6 (Aug 2009)
“Metamorphosis,” The Literary Bohemian 6 (Aug 2009)
“On Certainty,” Autumn Sky Poetry 14 (July 2009)
“Disorder,” “Paris,” Umbrella: A Journal Of Poetry and Kindred Prose 11 (Summer 2009)
“Misunderstanding,” Think Journal 2.2 (Summer 2009): 23
“A Reading in Monte Carlo,” “Nicotiana Sylvestris,” “Excessive Demands,” Soundzine 8 (June 2009)
Featured Poet, “Chanson du Retour, ” “Interlace,” ”Meconopsis Betonicifolia,” ”Sige,” ”Signs,” The Tower Journal 2.2 (June 2009)